Have you ever driven by homes around the holiday season and admired the outdoor Christmas lights? If you go down any block you'll find homes that are decorated either sedately, with quiet white Christmas lights, or you'll find Christmas lights in multiple colors and shapes.
Some people pride themselves in being the most obnoxiously lit home in their neighborhood, with flashing lights, Santas, reindeer, and every other sort of Christmas theme you could name. There are even neighborhoods in certain cities that are well known as tourist attractions! Have you ever stopped to wonder to yourself why it's a good idea to thread Christmas lights outside?
There are actually a couple of good reasons to indulge in this fun holiday tradition. For one thing, Christmas lights provide light. Christmas is a time of year when people are constantly throwing parties. Not only do lights outside of one's home provide light that the guests need when driving through dark neighborhoods, but they provide landmarks for guests, particularly if the guests are coming to one's home for the first time.
It's very easy to tell a guests to look for the multicolored flashing lights on one's home, instead of asking them to look for specific house numbers which will be hidden in the dark.
The second reason for hanging Christmas lights on one's home is that it's fun! Nothing is quite as fun as gathering family members or friends, to put up the annual Christmas lights. It is a tradition around the world in countries that celebrate Christmas. And it brings good cheer not only to the residents of the home, but to neighbors, as well the children of the neighborhood.
So, the next time you think that it may not be a good idea to decorate your home with Christmas lights, you should seriously rethink the idea and consider enjoying this annual tradition.
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