Outdoor Path Lighting
What are the Benefits?

There are many benefits to outdoor path lighting. The biggest one is safety. Driveways, steps and walkways are easier to navigate when lit at night. Not only is it easier to see obstacles, it is simple to remain on the walking area.

With the transformation of the standard day to a 24/7 schedule, families are navigating the yard at all times of the day and night. It is comforting to see the friendly glow of outdoor lighting. Most people are carrying a case or backpack, throwing them off balance. An unexpected toy or rock in the way can cause a tumble.

High windows in the house often let the outside perimeter of the house stay dark, inviting unsavory characters. Placing decorative outdoor path lighting around the house casts a friendly glow on the outside walls and adds a special touch to the ambiance of the scene. Yellow, pink and blue solar lights cast the same colors on the building behind it. They are gentle lights, but effective in their positioning.

A benefit is placing a decorative solar light by the outside water faucet handles, the electrical box, gas main, propane valve and any other thing that might be needed at night should an emergency happen. If you have fire extinguishers outside, you can mark those locations with a decorative light. Again, these uses are excellent safety features and complement your landscaping theme, as well.

Outdoor path lighting is a great guide to special features of your landscaping and blends with different architectural designs on the property. The pond is a special touch. Find out about submersible lights that will show it off while warning family, guests and pets that the open water is there.

Make the light bright enough to see, not to dazzle. The purpose of landscape lighting is to guide the way, not shock the eyes. Draw attention to the spectacular trees and birdbath. Use strands of multi-colored solar lights and weave them through bushes or across chain link fencing or gates. They are more for show than to give a lot of light, but the light they give is amazing.

Low voltage lights are inexpensive methods of outdoor path lighting. Installed under benches, stairs, and handrails, the lights safely guide people to their location. They have significant value with younger and older people who do not always see the edge of steps and benches. Place piers, pillars and bollards (short vertical posts) at the end of paths or driveways. The light is atop or in the center.

Both LED and solar lights are decorative and limited only by imagination. Lamps and lanterns add mystique to the area. One unique form of path lighting is the recessed or paver lights installed in the edges of walkway paving. Imagine a 4 x 8 sealed glass solar paver light shining upwards towards the garage door. The glass is strong enough to drive over or walk on.

Increase the value of your home and your neighborhood with outdoor path lighting. An inviting view welcomes friends and family as they approach your home. Troublemakers seeing the lights usually pass places where observation and recognition are likely. In the event you must go out some night to find out what happened to the electrical power, you will thank your lucky stars for the solar lights to guide your way.

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